Sunday, March 25, 2007

Table of contents

Second Grade

* Halloween Story
. I was given a sheet of paper with a picture of a fairy, a troll, a frog and a monster and a few lines underneath. The directions said to write a story about the characters on the lines below the picture and to attach any additional paper needed. I remember being so proud of myself for filling not only the lines but also the entire back of the paper. I guess I wrote pretty big.

* First Trip to Sea World

. That trip that means so much to me now as I saw it then. For those who don't know, this is when I chose my career. In awe of the majestic orcas, I decided to be a marine biologist on this trip.

Third Grade

* Excerpts Pioneer Journal (journal only)

. In third grade I went through the phase where students ask themselves, "How can I manipulate this question so that the answer will tire my hand as little as possible?" I think I got quite creative a few times. The link below includes the prompt so you can see how talented I was at making the answer less than half the length of the assignment. The teacher's prompts are in a smaller font. If you only want to see my entries without the prompts, the link above will get you direct you to them.

My Pioneer Journal (with teacher prompts)

* Dragon 2000
. A little more creative and I think I kmow the major difference. This was done in class and the journal was homework. Nobody wants to spend the whole night doing homework, but in class, your given a set amount of time to complete the task. You might as well make the most of it and I think I did.

Fourth Grade

* The Missing Rainbow Hair
. I was definately descriptive. I think I went just a tad over board here, but it is easier to cut back then to add at the last minute. Now I am able to hold myself back, but I never need to strain starting a description. This was supposed to be a "scary story" for Halloween, but mine didn't really end up scary.

* The Thirty-First State
. The big project for fourth grade is a report on California. I find it interesting to see how I was always trying to make research project seem more interesting than it actually was. I think that my style has always been start with a good hook,even before I really knew what that was, get lame if nessisary, then end stronger. Looking back, I really like my ending.

Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade (Diatomateous Earth)

Sixth & Seventh Grade
Snipits from Sixth and Seventh

Where I am Now
P.S. If you want to read the first essay, don't procrastinate because as soon as my grandma asks for the URL it is coming down.

Orcas and Mandala
. This was my first college essay. It is also my first essay at all since sixth grade.

* Flat World Essay

. My essay on the book The World is Flat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,
You have surely been told throughout your life that you exibit the talent that is writing! I, too, am a natural writer. I do not intend for writing to be my life, but it is certainly a handy skill to posess, is it not?
I enjoyed reading your examples very much. My daughter is in third grade, and, in reading your third grade writing examples, I see her: bright, shiny, and new! In reading your more recent writing examples, I see myself ten years ago.
Bravo, Sarah! Whether you write for life or live to write, you will see success.